8. Remember the joy


In the end, it’s the joy of parenthood that sustains all of us. “On paper” parenthood makes no sense. None. The output exceeds any prospect of return. From the pains of labor to the years of physical and emotional and financial dependence, from the calls about embarrassing outbursts at school to worry over their very survival, from skinned knees to broken hearts—our children need us.

But we endure those sacrifices because they are, well, our children. Our link to a world we will never see. Our hope that they will get things right and do better than their parents.

And when we nobly endure the burdens—including, yes, the burdens of co–parenting with a flawed partner, just as our partners must do with us—the sun rises.

And then there is no greater joy.

"Parents' highest obligation is to enjoy their children."

—Dr. Timothy Onkka,