4. Celebrate old—and create some new—rituals and traditions with your children.

Children need to see routine, order, and healthiness returning to their lives. Everyone will do much better when these things happen.

Rituals and traditions are like anchors to steady all of us at uncertain times.

They don’t have to be elaborate or cosmic events. You’ve probably already noticed that children have a way of recalling the littlest things that gave them enjoyment, security, and a sense of continuity in their lives. A favorite cooked meal, an enjoyable game, a familiar place or person to visit—these are all soothing reassurances that things can get better.


“What we grieve for is not the loss of a grand vision, but rather the loss of common things, events, and gestures Ordinariness is the most precious thing we struggle for.”

— Irena Kelpfisz