A final thought

Inside you lives a hero—and no doubt you’ve already taken difficult steps to protect your children. Maybe you’ve—

  • bitten your tongue because a child would have been hurt by an outburst,
  • defended your spouse/co-parent to your children, or
  • made some parenting task easier for your spouse/co-parent.
  • Whatever it’s been, in the middle of the inevitable mistakes that go with separation and divorce, you’ve taken steps to shield your children from conflict you knew could hurt them.

    Give yourself credit for each of these heroic measures—and build on those measures.

    And remember that heroic peace-making will rescue not just your children—but you as well.

    Printable Summary

    We wish you and your family the very best.

    Charlie and Barb Asher

    “The message of parent responsibility is ultimately, though, a liberating one. What a reassurance to know that every parent has the chance—by heroic decision—to create the world a child needs. Even one parent filled with compassion and balance can rescue most of a child's world.

    —Charles and
    Barbara Asher